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How to fix page with redirect

How to Fix Page with Redirects in Google Search Console


Page with redirects are a common issue that can affect your website’s performance and SEO. In this article, we will walk you through the steps to identify and fix page with redirects using Google Search Console.

This guide is designed to help you understand and resolve this issue without any technical experience.

Key Takeaways

  • Identify and fix page redirects in Google Search Console to enhance site performance and SEO.
  • Use tools like Redirect Trace or HTTP Status IO to analyze redirect issues.
  • Adjust configurations, modify URL parameters, implement canonical tags, and update your sitemap.
  • Validate fixes through Google Search Console and maintain regular checks for optimal website health.

Identifying the Issue

Before addressing page with redirects, it’s essential to grasp the nature of the problem and its impact on your website. Page redirects manifest when a URL on your site directs visitors to another URL.

While this can occur for various reasons, the key is to determine when it poses issues.

1, Login to your Google Search Console account.

search console interface

2. Once in the Search Console, navigate to the ‘Indexing‘ tab and select ‘Pages.’ In this section, you will see various types of issues that your website may have.

page with redirects

3. Click on the “page with redirect” issue to check which pages are affected. This helps in understanding the page with redirect Google Search Console issue.

Note: Google usually sends an indexing report stating a specific issue with your website. From that report, you can click on the ‘fix page indexing issues‘ button. It will bring you to the list of pages that contain the issue. This is crucial for those wondering how to fix page with redirect in Google Search Console.

Analyzing the Redirect Issue

To make sure you can fix page with redirects properly, you need to figure out what kind of redirect is happening and why it’s happening. Here’s a straightforward way to do that:

Two main types of redirect:

  • 301 which means it’s a permanent redirect
  • 302 which is a temporary one

You need to identify what type of redirect is being used on the affected page. You can use online SEO tools to check the type of redirect the affected page has.

Free SEO tools

1. Check the affected page if it’s causing a redirect chain using an SEO tool above. Sometimes, redirects happen one after the other, like a chain. One URL sends you to another, which sends you to another, and so on.

2. You need to find out how many of these redirects are in that chain. Ideally, you should avoid using more than three redirects in a chain, as this can strain your server and slow down your website, resulting in a poor user experience.

3. It’s important to make sure you know where the redirect is sending users. Is it taking them to the right page? Verify that the destination URL is correct.

4. Run a search query using a search operator to determine which version of the page is indexed.

site: URL of the affected page here

site operator checking page indexing

Common Causes

Page redirects can be triggered by several common issues. Let’s explore a few of them:

  1. Faulty Redirect Configurations: This refers to situations where the setup of redirects on your website isn’t done correctly. This can lead to users ending up on the wrong web page or getting lost on your site. 
  2. URL Parameter Issues: Relate to problems caused by extra characters or codes in a website’s URL, which can unintentionally trigger redirects. It’s similar to having unnecessary extra letters or numbers in a web address that might take you to a different page than intended. 
  3. Canonicalization Problems: Often referred to as canonicalization issues, these issues typically arise when multiple versions of a webpage with slightly different URLs exist, and search engines may have difficulty determining which one is the primary or “canonical” version.
  4. Outdated Sitemaps: Your sitemap includes outdated pages that result in page redirect issues.

You may also read more about the Importance of Canonical tags in SEO

Fixing the Issue

Now that you’ve pinpointed the problem and its underlying causes, it’s time to take action and resolve it. Understanding which of these can Google Search Console help fix page with redirect is crucial.

Here's what you need to do:

  1. Adjusting Redirect Configurations: Review your website’s configuration to ensure that redirects are set up correctly. If any redirects are set up incorrectly, make the necessary adjustments to ensure redirects guide users to the right page.
  2. Modifying URL Parameters: If URL parameters are causing the issue, you may need to adjust them.
  3. Implementing Canonical Tags: Ensure that canonical tags are correctly set to guide Google to the preferred page version.
  4. Update your Sitemap: Ensure that you do not include pages with status 301 or 302.

Testing and Validation

After making changes, it’s important to test and validate your fixes:

  1. Using Tools to Check Redirects: Use the online tools we have mentioned above to check the status of your redirects and verify that they are working as intended.
  2. Submit a Validation Request: Monitor your Google Search Console for any changes in the reported issues. If they disappear, it’s a good sign your fixes are working. This will help you learn how to fix page with redirect issues effectively.

Note: Validation request usually take 3-5 days or more.

Monitoring and Maintenance

Finally, monitoring and maintenance. It’s not just about creating a website and letting it run; ongoing attention is necessary to ensure it functions smoothly and continues to meet your goals.

Here are a few key aspects of website monitoring and maintenance:

  1. Regularly Checking for Issues: Make it a habit to check your Search Console regularly for any new page redirect issues.
  2. Keeping Redirects Up to Date: If you make changes to your website structure, don’t forget to update your redirects accordingly. Regular checks can help maintain your Google Search Console page with redirect efficiency.

To sum it up!

Addressing redirects is essential for maintaining a healthy, user-friendly website. By following these steps, you can ensure your site remains efficient and well-ranked by search engines. For further support, consider professional SEO services for ongoing website optimization.

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